Symptoms of Merkel Cell Carcinoma include a rounded, hard bump that has grown quickly over several weeks. It may also appear on the trunk. You should consult your healthcare provider if you notice any of these changes. The disease is often able to spread to other parts of the body if detected early. You may also experience pain and swelling around the area. To avoid complications, it is crucial to seek medical attention immediately.
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A lump that looks like a melon is a sign of Merkel cell cancer. These tumors are firm and flesh-colored. They often bleed, but do not produce pain. They can appear on any part of the body, but tend to form on skin that is frequently exposed to sunlight. If you develop these lumps, you should visit your doctor right away. While they are usually harmless, it is important to contact your physician as soon as possible because they can cause serious health problems.
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If you notice any of the above symptoms, see your doctor immediately. It is important to seek medical attention as early diagnosis is critical to preventing the disease from spreading. For example, you should visit your doctor as soon as you see any changes in your skin. You should also be aware of any new or changing skin marks that are red, bleed, crust, or itchy. Your healthcare provider may suggest that you conduct a self-exam once a month.
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If you suspect that you have Merkel cell cancer, the best way to treat it is to undergo surgery. The treatment of this cancer usually involves removing a portion of the tumor or the entire tumor to be examined by a pathologist. Advanced pathology techniques such as the electron microscope will help identify the disease. During the procedure, the entire tumor will be removed, with a safety margin around it. Upon the completion of the surgical procedure, your healthcare provider will recommend further diagnostic tests.
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Although Merkel cell carcinoma does not spread to lymph nodes, it can cause a number of other symptoms. It may cause a rash or develop in other areas. You may also experience a swelling, hard, or a lump. You should visit your doctor as soon as you notice any changes in your skin. If these changes persist, you should consult a doctor right away to rule out other more serious diseases.
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The most common symptom of MCC is a firm, red bump on the skin. It is rare and does not cause any pain. Typically, it will appear as a red or purplish bump on your skin. During the first few months of the disease, it is possible to detect it in your lymph nodes. However, it is not necessary to be treated with surgery. You can receive treatment for your condition with chemotherapy, or radiation.
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You should consult your healthcare provider immediately if you suspect you have the disease. There are several symptoms that you should be concerned about. A lump under the skin may indicate MCC. It may be asymptomatic. It may be a sign of another type of cancer. It can be difficult to diagnose without a physical exam. It is best to consult your healthcare provider immediately. You should also seek medical attention if you notice any other changes in your skin.
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If you suspect that you have Merkel Cell Carcinoma, you should consult with a dermatologist immediately. This specialist will likely perform a biopsy of the tumor and examine the tissue under a microscope. This will allow your doctor to identify the cancer cells. Patients with Merkel Cell Carcinoma should consult with specialists in various fields of medicine. Having multiple doctors will ensure that your treatment is effective. If the tumor is small, you should see a physician for a second opinion.
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In addition to the symptoms, Merkel Cell Carcinoma is fast-growing. It can spread to lymph nodes nearby. If the cancer has spread to lymph nodes, the cancer may be detected through a sentinel lymph node biopsy. A sentinel lymph node biopsy is necessary to determine the stage of the disease. If the disease has not spread to other organs, chemotherapy is an option.