The symptoms of parathyroid cancer may be subtle, but are nonetheless important to be aware of. While most people do not experience them, a handful of symptoms are common enough to prompt a physician's attention. Here, you'll learn about the most common signs and symptoms of parathyroid cancer. You should visit your doctor as soon as possible if you notice any of these signs or symptoms. You should also seek treatment from a medical specialist if you're concerned that you may have parathyroid cancer.
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Treatment for parathyroid cancer usually involves removing the affected parathyroid glands. The surgery, known as a parathyroidectomy, involves removing part of the parathyroid gland, as well as the lobes on either side and the isthmus, the connection between the two thyroid lobes. Other tissues and lymph nodes around the parathyroid gland may also be removed. Treatments for parathyroid cancer should be discussed with a doctor, as any treatment may have side effects or complications.
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After the surgery, patients need to undergo annual checkups. Blood tests will help doctors determine if the tumor is cancerous. A biopsy will also tell them whether the cancer has spread throughout the body and what treatment is needed. After this, healthcare providers will explain the results of the tests to the patient. If the cancer has spread beyond the parathyroid gland, a surgery will be necessary to remove it completely. It is possible for the parathyroid tumor to reappear several years after surgery.
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In addition to the symptoms of parathyroid cancer, you may experience hypercalcemia, weakness, or a lump in the neck. The survival rate for those with parathyroid cancer is about 85 percent, but unfortunately, nearly half of patients have recurrences of the disease. In fact, the majority of recurrent cases of parathyroid cancer will develop within three years after the initial diagnosis. After this time, the chances of survival will be even lower.
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If you have any of the symptoms mentioned above, you should visit a medical professional immediately. Your doctor may recommend an ENT visit to perform a thorough examination of your neck. They will also check for any suspicious lumps or swelling. If the tumor has spread, further tests may be needed to determine whether it has metastasized to other parts of your body. If so, it can also spread to the lymph nodes, liver, and bone.
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Although the symptoms of parathyroid cancer can be subtle and inconsequential, it is important to know that these conditions often coincide. Patients with a lump in the neck may have a benign tumor, such as parathyroid adenoma, which can be benign. In either case, a gradual increase in calcium may help alleviate symptoms of the disease. If you suspect parathyroid cancer, your healthcare provider will perform special tests to confirm the diagnosis.
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Although surgery is the most common form of treatment for parathyroid cancer, a recurrence of the disease is possible. If left untreated, this condition can lead to a stroke or kidney stones. If it is detected early enough, parathyroid cancer can be cured surgically. It usually recurs within two to five years, but can take up to 20 years to recur. However, the symptoms of parathyroid cancer will be difficult to detect, as the tumor will grow slowly.
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The symptoms of parathyroid cancer may include bone pain, increased calcium levels, or both. Hypercalcemia is an important symptom of parathyroid cancer and should be treated promptly. If you've been experiencing any of these symptoms, you should see a doctor immediately to get the appropriate diagnosis and treatment. You should also take note of the fact that hyperparathyroidism is an inherited condition. However, if your doctor suspects that you have parathyroid cancer, it may be beneficial to undergo a risk-reducing or prophylactic surgery to reduce the risk.
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While hyperparathyroidism is the most common type of parathyroid disease, it can also be the result of kidney failure or an overactive parathyroid gland. If your parathyroid glands produce too much PTH, it will lead to a calcium shortage in your blood. In addition to this, your doctor might also detect a benign tumor on the gland. The condition is also called familial hypocalcemia.
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Acid reflux is another common symptom of parathyroid disease, and it affects 62% of parathyroid patients. Most patients experience complete relief from acid reflux after the tumor is removed. If the condition is mild, you can stop taking the acid-reducing medications immediately after surgery. Acid reflux is a major symptom of parathyroid disease and should be treated immediately. If the condition worsens, your doctor may recommend an emergency surgery.