While many tests may not reveal any cancer, there are several Testicular Cancer Symptoms that men should be aware of. Swelling in the scrotum is one of the most common. While this condition is usually painless, some of the symptoms may be painful. In some cases, it may even spread to the lungs. Other common symptom of this condition include back pain and shortness of breath. However, it is important to consult a doctor as soon as possible.
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Unlike many other types of cancer, testicular cancer usually does not cause any symptoms in the early stages. Symptoms include a dull ache in the lower tummy and backache. Sometimes the disease can spread to lymph nodes located in the retro peritoneum and the para aortic region. The following are some Testicular Cancer Symptoms and How to Tell if They Are Caused by the Disease
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A dull ache in the tummy is another symptom of testicular cancer. It can also spread to the lymph nodes in the scrotum, a loose bag of skin that lies beneath the penis. Depending on the location of the tumour, it can result in only one testicle being affected. Moreover, testicular cancer can affect only one testicle. So, it is important to consult a doctor as early as possible.
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Symptoms of Testicular cancer may be similar to those of other diseases. For example, pain, swelling, and irregular thickening of the testicle can also be caused by an injury to the testicles. Some of the other common conditions that can cause testicular cancer include viral infections or bacterial infections. Fortunately, these conditions are highly treatable and can help prevent or reduce the chances of this type of cancer in men.
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Although testicular cancer is rarely painful, it can be difficult to diagnose because of its symptoms. It can be difficult to distinguish between the various symptoms associated with the disease. Patients may experience a dull ache, fever, or backache, and may have one or more testicle. In some cases, only one testicle is affected, but it is best to consult a doctor as soon as possible if you notice any of these signs.
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Although testicular cancer does not cause pain, it can lead to pain, especially if the tumor spreads to lymph nodes in the scrotum. A dull ache, a painful scrotum, or a lump in the tummy are all symptoms of testicular cancer. A biopsy is necessary to confirm the diagnosis. It is important to be examined for symptoms right away.
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A testicular lump may be painful, but this is not the only symptom of the disease. Other symptoms include a dull ache in the tummy and backache. Occasionally, tumor cells may spread into the lymph nodes in the scrotum and retroperitoneum. Generally, patients with testicular cancer have a single testicle removed and will undergo a biopsy.
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Most cases of testicular cancer are painless and do not require any immediate treatment. If the tumor spreads to lymph nodes in the abdomen, it may cause an aching backache. It is possible for the tumor to spread to other areas of the body. If this is the case, a biopsy will be required to determine the extent of the disease. A biopsy is the only way to confirm the diagnosis of testicular cancer.
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Symptoms of testicular cancer include a dull ache in the tummy and backache. If the tumor has spread to lymph nodes in the abdomen, the cancer may be in the lymph nodes of the back. This is why the symptoms of testicular cancer are not painful. Despite the pain, some men may experience a dull aches in the lower tummy or back. Some men have only one testicle, while others have two or three.
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The most common Testicular cancer symptom is an inability to conceive. If you are having a child, you may wish to consider sperm banking. A sperm bank is a good option for fertility-seeking couples. The process requires a HIV test, a hepatitis B and a hepatitis-C test. In addition, the procedure is expensive, and can be risky.