Stages of liver cancer refer to the extent of the tumor. These can help determine treatment options and prognosis. For example, stage I disease refers to a single tumor. The next level up is stage II disease, which typically has multiple tumors larger than 5 cm. In addition, this type of cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes or other organs. In stage IV disease, the cancer has spread to lymph nodes and is more difficult to treat.
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The first step to diagnose liver cancer is to determine the type and stage of the cancer. An early-stage diagnosis involves a tumor that is smaller than 5 cm. This stage can be treatable by surgery, radiofrequency ablation, or chemotherapy. Patients with intermediate-stage disease may have multiple tumors. Doctors may recommend regional therapies or transarterial chemoembolization to relieve symptoms. Advanced-stage cancer often invades the portal vein and spreads to other parts of the body, such as lymph nodes and bones.
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While there is no single treatment for HCC, treatment options vary according to stage. Patients who are diagnosed with this disease may need surgery to remove the tumor, or they may need chemotherapy to control the spread of the disease. While chemotherapy is often a standard treatment, a liver transplant is not a viable option for people with this type of cancer. If it has spread, however, treatment options for the disease are more limited. If it is suspected that the tumor has metastasized to another organ, it will be treated similarly to other types of sarcomas.
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While the symptoms of liver cancer are usually mild, they can be overwhelming. Having a supportive community is very important, and may involve visiting a counselor or joining a cancer support group. A support group can help patients work through their emotions and discuss their concerns with others. National Cancer Institute and American Society have information on support groups and cancer-support organizations. If you need additional support, please contact your doctor or visit the Liver Foundation. They have a comprehensive resource for patients with all types of cancer.
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The diagnosis of liver cancer is often accompanied by other symptoms. For example, blood alpha-fetoprotein levels are one of the first signs of liver cancer. While the symptoms of liver cancer can be mild, it is important to have strong support. The right doctor can help you manage your emotions, and they can also refer you to a support group. When you are diagnosed with liver disease, you may want to consult a counselor or join a support group. It is important to have a strong support network.
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The most common form of liver cancer is known as hepatic adenoma, which arises from the cells that line the blood vessels of the liver. In most cases, there are no symptoms, but a lump in the abdomen may indicate hepatic adenoma. Other complications of the disease may include a rupture of the adenoma. When you experience any of these symptoms, you should immediately contact a physician.
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The first stage of liver cancer is called a primary stage. At this stage, the tumor is smaller than five centimeters. At this stage, you may have a single tumor. The other stages of liver cancer are intermediate and advanced. In the latter, you have multiple tumors that are growing in the liver and may have spread to the portal vein and lymph nodes. Your doctor may recommend regional therapy or transarterial chemoembolization.
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In addition to biopsying the tumor, doctors may also perform liver ultrasounds. The first stage of liver cancer is called an early stage. A tumor that is less than five centimeters in diameter may be considered a primary stage. At this phase, the tumor may be small. If it is large, however, your doctor may recommend a liver transplant or radiofrequency ablation. A biopsy of the liver can be either a surgical procedure or an outpatient procedure.
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Depending on the stage, the cancer may have several subtypes. Hepatocellular carcinoma is the most common form of liver cancer, whereas cirrhosis is a form of chronic liver damage. In some cases, the cancer may appear as one large tumor or multiple small tumors. The bile ducts are an example of primary and secondary ductal cancer. Hepatoblastoma is a type of cell in the fetal liver.