Thyroid cancer symptoms vary, depending on its severity. You might feel no symptoms at all, or you may notice a lump in your neck. Your doctor may want to do a neck X-ray or take a diagnostic imaging scan, which could detect a thyroid lump. However, the symptoms of thyroid cancer are not always obvious, so you should not disregard them. Luckily, these signs and symptoms can be detected and treated if they are present.
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You may also experience difficulty breathing. People with thyroid cancer may feel as if they are breathing through a straw. It may also be hard to swallow, which is another sign of thyroid cancer. You may notice a growth or a nodule on your thyroid gland, which can make swallowing difficult. A tumor in the thyroid may also obstruct your airway or cause you to cough up blood. You may also experience difficulty swallowing or speaking.
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Thyroid cancer is one of the fastest growing types of cancer in the U.S., with an increase of nearly three-fold in the past 30 years. This is largely due to "incidental" detection - detecting thyroid cancer only when a regular physical exam or neck imaging studies reveal blockages. You might not even be aware of your symptoms unless they have been present for several months or longer. Fortunately, most cases of thyroid cancer can be treated successfully if detected early.
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Once diagnosed, the cancer can spread to lymph nodes in your neck. This is why it is important to seek a thorough biopsy if you suspect you have thyroid cancer. This procedure may also allow your doctor to perform a thyroid surgery. If the nodule has turned out to be cancerous, your doctor may perform an open biopsy. After the surgery, the surgeon may remove the nodule and send the tissue to a pathologist for further evaluation.
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There are many other signs and symptoms of thyroid cancer. Early detection of these symptoms is critical to ensuring proper treatment and prevention. Thyroid cancer is a highly treatable disease if diagnosed early. With early diagnosis and treatment, it can even be cured. In some cases, it can even be cured by surgery or radiation. You can begin recognizing the symptoms of thyroid cancer by taking the necessary steps to protect your health.
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A CT scan is another way to diagnose thyroid cancer. The CT scan uses X-rays to create detailed pictures of the inside of your body. This test helps the doctor find the tumor and measure its size. It can also show whether it has spread. It is important to get an accurate diagnosis from a doctor and to follow the doctor's advice. You can also look for any other signs of thyroid cancer that could indicate the presence of the disease.
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Although many people develop sporadic cases of thyroid cancer, about 30% of people with MTC have a family history of the disease. The disease usually affects women, and is more prevalent in women than in men. There are several subtypes of thyroid cancer. These names describe the cell types that make up the thyroid gland. Some of them are more aggressive than others, and can lead to massive hemorrhaging.
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A thorough clinical evaluation of the thyroid gland is the first step in the diagnosis of thyroid cancer. During the visit, your doctor may conduct a physical exam and perform a fine needle aspiration biopsy. This biopsy will show whether the nodule is malignant or benign. The pathologist will also tell you whether the cancer has spread to your lymph nodes. In some cases, your doctor may recommend that you undergo surgery.
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Follicular carcinomas are the most common type of thyroid cancer. They develop in follicular cells of the thyroid and are TSH-sensitive. They present as light brown, encapsulated neoplasms. Their growth pattern can be solid, trabecular, or follicular. Some of them may produce microfollicles. A physician may suspect thyroid cancer if any of these symptoms exist.
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Treatment of thyroid cancer involves a combination of medical procedures. If the cancer has spread to other parts of the body, radioactive iodine is often the best option. The treatment can also include a total thyroidectomy, or a near-total thyroidectomy. In both cases, chemotherapy can prolong a patient's life. However, it is important to remember that X-ray radiation has side effects. It can cause redness and dryness in the area treated.