If you've been diagnosed with a tracheobronchial tumor, you might wonder if you have the requisite symptoms. If so, this article will provide you with the information you need to understand the symptoms and how to detect the condition. In this article, you'll also learn about the different types of treatment available. Continue reading to learn about the different types of treatment and their symptoms.
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If you suspect you have a tracheobronchial tumor, it is important to see a physician immediately. A tracheobronchial tumor can produce symptoms such as airway obstruction and mucosal irritation or ulceration. In severe cases, it may invade adjacent structures and cause symptoms. Distant metastases, however, are rare, with only about 10% of cases having any signs or symptoms. Tracheobronchial SCCs, which affect the posterior walls of the lower two-thirds of the trachea, are typically asymptomatic until they have invaded 50% to 75% of the airway's luminal diameter.
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Although tracheal cancer symptoms are often mistaken for other problems, it is important to seek medical attention immediately to rule out other causes. Your doctor will likely refer you to a specialist at a hospital who specializes in tracheal cancer. They will examine you, ask you questions about your symptoms and perform various tests. These tests can help determine the exact type of tracheobronchial tumor, as well as the extent of its spread.
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Several types of tracheobronchial tumors may develop in the trachea, including primary malignant and secondary benign forms. Primary malignant tracheobronchial tumors are rare, accounting for less than 1% of thoracic cancers. Primary malignant tracheobronchial tumors typically arise from the salivary glands and surface epithelium. Although the symptoms of a tracheobronchial tumor are usually vague and unrelated to a underlying condition, patients should seek appropriate medical attention when they experience a cough or mucosal ulceration. Secondary malignancies, meanwhile, may arise as direct invasion of another part of the body.
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In both types of tracheobronchial tumors, the location of the symptoms is important. Local invasion of the trachea is more common than hematogenous spread to the mucosa. The symptoms of a tracheobronchial tumor will depend on its location. If it has spread into the trachea, it will cause symptoms similar to those of a lung or pulmonary neoplasm.
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A diagnosis of tracheobronchial tumors requires the correct evaluation of several key symptoms. Symptoms are often delayed because of non-specific complaints, which may be caused by other conditions. However, symptoms of tracheobronchial tumors may vary depending on the anatomical location and type of tumor. Common symptoms of squamous cell carcinoma include coughing up blood, hoarseness, and difficulty swallowing.
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The surgical treatment of tracheobronchial tumors involves cutting a portion of the trachea and removing the tumor. The remaining part of the trachea is then connected by the surgeon using special techniques. Radiation therapy is another option. Patients can receive radiation therapy through a bronchoscope. This treatment helps kill the cancer cells. Patients may undergo surgery in conjunction with other treatment options.
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The earliest signs of tracheobronchial tumors include persistent cough and hemoptysis. Some patients may only show signs of acute respiratory difficulty and not develop any symptoms. However, patients with a positive chest radiograph may require bronchoscopy. It is also important to note that some tumors may not exhibit symptoms until they have completely occluded the airway.
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Radiation therapy may be used in the treatment of tracheobronchial tumors. This form of treatment uses intense light to destroy cancer cells while causing little to no damage to healthy cells. This treatment is usually given after surgery or in rare cases as the initial step. Radiation therapy is administered in small doses over three to seven weeks. The treatment can also include injections of a drug that makes cells sensitive to light. The light from the rays starts the drug working.
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While no standard staging system is available for tracheobronchial cancer, some investigators use the tumor, nodes, and metastases system to assess progress. Primary cancer growths may cause airway obstruction, dysphagia, and hoarseness. Postoperative complications may include failed anastomotic healing, infections, or cancer recurrence. Patients undergoing tracheobronchial tumor surgery should also be aware that they may have a compromised quality of life if large segments of the trachea are removed.