Primary malignant tumors of the tracheobronchial tree are extremely rare and account for less than one percent of all thoracic malignancies. Most tumors of this type are benign, and two-thirds of all such tumors originate in the salivary glands or surface epithelium. Although this type of tumor is extremely rare, symptoms of the disease include cough, hemopty, or airway obstruction.
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Primary tracheal tumors often do not produce symptoms until the airway is severely obstructed. Non-specific symptoms may delay a diagnosis, as these can be caused by other conditions. However, symptoms of tracheal tumors can vary significantly depending on the anatomical location and type of tumor. If a squamous cell carcinoma is present, a patient may experience coughing up blood, difficulty swallowing, and weight loss.
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A patient suffering from tracheal cancer should seek medical attention as soon as possible. While most symptoms are asymptomatic, a doctor should check the patient for persistent cough and hemoptysis, which is indicative of a malignant tumor. Patients may have a normal chest radiograph, but an x-ray of the trachea and bronchus should be done to make sure the condition is not serious.
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Treatment options for a tumor located near the trachea include specialized surgery to remove it. Only a surgeon who specializes in this type of cancer can perform this operation. If the tumor is too large to remove with surgery, other treatments may be necessary. Some patients may opt for other treatment options, including radiation therapy. A specialist may prescribe alternative therapies such as acupuncture, physiotherapy, or surgery, depending on the severity of their symptoms.
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Primary tracheal neoplasms occur in the trachea and connect the larynx to the main bronchi. These tumors can arise from the trachea itself, or from nearby structures. These tumors may be malignant or benign, and smoking has been shown to increase the risk of developing this type. In adults, 90% of tracheal tumors are malignant.
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Symptoms of a primary tracheobronchial tumor can include cough, hemoptysis, and chest pain. Imaging studies may reveal a well-defined mass or obstruction signs, such as atelectasis, and pathology findings from a bronchoscopy sample can confirm the diagnosis. Further, if the symptoms of the tumor are unrelated to any known underlying diseases, a physician can prescribe a chemotherapy regimen to treat the patient's condition.
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The most common symptom of primary tracheal tumors is upper airway obstruction. Patients with the disease experience symptoms of cough and hemoptysis, as well as difficulty swallowing. Although these symptoms may indicate a tracheobronchial tumor, they can also be indicative of other disorders of the respiratory system. The symptoms of primary tracheal tumors often lead to incorrect diagnosis and treatment.
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Although there are several different types of tracheal tumors, the most common is squamous cell carcinoma, which forms in the lower part of the trachea. Squamous cell carcinoma is a fast-growing cancer that often invades the mucosa lining of the airway. It may also cause bleeding and ulceration of the trachea. Although the primary cause is unknown, smoking is a strong risk factor.
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Another type of treatment for this type of tumor is photodynamic therapy. This procedure is often given after surgery and is effective if some of the tumor was unable to be removed. It is also an effective first-line treatment for the condition. This procedure uses an injection of a special drug called Photofrin that aims laser beams at the tumor. The drug will cause the tumor to die, and the doctor will remove the dead tissue. Unlike external-beam radiation, however, Photofrin may cause serious sunburns for a month after the treatment.
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Another way to identify the presence of a tracheobronchial tumor is to check its size. The tumor's size may vary, and this can affect the type of treatment that can be given. If it's not detected early, treatment options include surgery and radiotherapy. Radiotherapy kills cancer cells in the lungs and helps the patient breathe easier. A treatment regimen can be difficult to maintain, but it can help alleviate the pain caused by the cancer.
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A slow-growing cancer is another type of tracheobronchial tumor. These tumors are not associated with smoking, and they will close the airway as it grows. While the growth rate of these tumors is very slow, it can still cause symptoms. The tumor may close the airway and interfere with breathing. In severe cases, the tumor may even close the airway and make it impossible to breathe.