While there is no one single treatment for renal cell cancer, doctors have developed different strategies for treatment. Although there are many potential treatments, the best approach is to learn about the disease and work with your doctor to determine the best one for your unique situation. Unfortunately, no one knows what causes renal cell cancer, which is why symptoms may vary from person to person. Although the exact cause is unknown, scientists do know that cancer of the kidney usually begins when something goes wrong in the genes that make the kidney.
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A doctor may order several tests to rule out other causes of the symptoms and to monitor your overall health before beginning treatment. Blood tests may include blood cell counts, chemistry, liver and kidney function, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Blood urea nitrogen and serum electrolytes are also often measured. If any of these tests show abnormalities, a referral to a specialist will be necessary. This type of test is expensive, but may be necessary for a patient who has experienced bone pain and/or has a family history of cancer.
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If you notice blood in your urine, you may have renal cell carcinoma. This cancer begins in the kidney and can spread to surrounding tissues. It can spread through large veins leading to the heart or through a fibrous tissue called fascia ligament. The cancer may also spread distantly, to the lungs, bone, or brain. Treatment for kidney cancer depends on its stage. The earlier the cancer is detected, the better the chance of success.
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Radiation therapy may be an option. Radiation works by sending high-energy light particles to the tumor. Although this isn't the most effective treatment for renal cell cancer, it can alleviate symptoms in other parts of the body. Watchful waiting is another option if your tumor is small and non-invasive. In this case, your doctor will wait to see if the cancer grows or spreads before recommending treatment.
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Depending on the stage of the tumor, it may have spread to nearby lymph nodes and major blood vessels. In some cases, cancer has spread beyond the kidney to lymph nodes and distant sites. In other cases, it has spread to nearby lymph nodes and distant organs. As a result, you should seek treatment as soon as possible if you notice any of these symptoms. This disease may be curable but it is still dangerous.
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The most common symptom of renal cell cancer is blood in the urine. Some patients may not have any other symptoms, but others may experience blood in the urine, brown or rusty urine, abdominal pain, weight loss, varicocele, fever, and anemia. Other symptoms may include elevated blood pressure, anemia, or irregular liver function. There may be no obvious signs of the disease until it has spread to the bones.
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While there are a few factors that may increase the risk of developing the disease, most of these conditions can be treated with medications. If you think you have kidney cancer, it is best to consult with your doctor to rule out other conditions. A doctor will ask you about any symptoms and will examine you. Your symptoms can help your doctor determine the type of treatment you need. Your doctor will also discuss the options available for you based on the stage of the cancer and where it has spread.
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Another way to tell if you've got kidney cancer is to get a biopsy. A biopsy involves removing a sample of tissue, from the tumor. Pathologists view the sample under a microscope to determine if cancer cells are present. Sometimes, however, a biopsy is not performed, as the risk of bleeding is too high. If a biopsy is done, the doctor will determine whether the cancer has spread. If it has spread, the cancer cells can move to other parts of the body. In addition, if the cancer spreads to the kidney, the cancer cells may move to other areas of the body.
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While initial treatment for renal cell cancer can be effective, recurrences may still occur.
Most people with kidney cancer don't show symptoms until the disease is advanced. Often, the disease can spread from one kidney to another, and symptoms can be difficult to identify. If you're worried, contact your doctor today to receive proper treatment. Fortunately, there are many treatments available for patients diagnosed with renal cell cancer. They may even be able to save your life. You will be amazed by the variety of options available to you.